Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2008

The Upset (Gestalten) Mein neues

The Upset
Young Contemporary Art

Editors: R. Klanten, H. Hellige, S. Ehmann, P. Alonzo
Language: English
Release: September 2008 Price: € 44,00 / $ 69,00 / £ 35,00
Format: 24 x 30 cm
Features: 288 pages, full colour, hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-89955-221-8

A new breed of contemporary artists is celebrating new found international recognition for their style and approach to creating art that is sprouting from and largely influenced by visual subcultures. The Upset documents the burgeoning artists in this new movement whose works are often figurative and narrative employing classical techniques with great skills to create sculpture, illustration design and painting with the use of spray cans, sharpies and elaborate colour palettes on canvas. In addition to the striking visual work, the book features portraits of artists as well as in-depth interviews with selected artists who are creating outstanding cutting-edge contemporary fine art.

1 Kommentar:

Keuj hat gesagt…

I love this artist ! Oh, and thanks for the link to my blog :-)